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Firefighter wellness program

HealthONE has partnered with local firefighters to develop programs designed to improve the overall health and well-being of our communities' heroes.

HealthONE firefighter wellness and cancer screening program

Firefighters have a demanding job that can take a physical and mental toll on those who serve. In 2019, a group of dedicated and concerned local Colorado firefighters brought to HealthONE their desperation and concern about the challenges firefighters face in maintaining optimal health. Together with HealthONE hospitals and providers, local firefighters and community partners, we have created a program focused on overall firefighter health, wellness and cancer prevention.

Program overview

The program includes:

  • Annual health exams
  • Cancer screenings and genetic testing
  • Heart health screening
  • Mental health resources
  • Nutrition education

To schedule an firefighter wellness program appointment visit Centennial Primary Care.

Annual health exams

This unique program, developed specifically for firefighters, is a comprehensive care plan. Our goal is to maintain the health and wellness of firefighters starting with annual physicals. Our team of primary care physicians understand the mental and physical risks to the firefighter population. Our staff will contact the firefighter’s health insurance carrier and partner with them to provide screenings and determine coverage to assist firefighters in maintaining optimal health.

HealthONE Physician Group is the primary care partner of the firefighter wellness cancer screening program. Our providers are committed to provide key annual health visits and manage firefighter health and cancer screening schedules. It is a privilege for us to care for our community's heroes.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, please contact Centennial Primary Care at (303) 226-6180.

Cancer screenings

Cancer screening is critical to survival. Being aware of signs and symptoms and discussing anything unusual with your physician is essential. If you see, feel, or notice anything out of the ordinary—don’t be embarrassed! Talk with your doctor or one of our program physicians. They will evaluate you and if necessary, your physician or our firefighter physician champion will order appropriate testing and take the necessary steps for your health.

Links to current cancer screening guidelines and information:

For more detailed information, our partners at the American Cancer Society have a website full of screening and prevention resources.

Heart health screenings

The United States Fire Administration lists heart attacks as the leading cause of death for active-duty firefighters. HealthONE recognizes that firefighters are a unique population of tactical athletes who are exposed to extraordinary amounts physical, mental, emotional, and environmental stress throughout their careers that place them at elevated risks for the development of cardiovascular disease.

Our program provides early cardiac testing to proactively investigate each individual firefighter’s heart health, and to assist in the detection of coronary or structural heart disease if present.

A variety of cardiac screening tests are performed depending upon the recommendations from the firefighter’s primary care team. The ischemic and structural heart disease evaluation testing options include:

  • Regular treadmill cardiac stress test—Continuous 12-lead EKG monitoring and interpretation during graded exercise treadmill testing
  • Myocardial perfusion imaging exercise stress testing—Cardiac perfusion imaging via radiotracer along with 12-lead EKG monitoring during graded exercise treadmill testing
  • Echocardiogram—Resting echocardiogram evaluation
  • Stress echocardiogram—Echocardiogram performed along with 12-lead EKG monitoring and interpretation during graded exercise treadmill testing)

Nutrition education

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the health and wellbeing of firefighters. In order to understand how to maintain peak health, it is first important to understand nutrition basics and recommendations. Our program includes nutrition education to provide you with the necessary tools to ensure a long and healthy career as a firefighter.

Our nutrition guide covers the following topics:

  • Nutrition basics
  • Heart health
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Nutrition and mental health
  • Common nutrition myths