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Colorado woman discusses dangers of placenta accreta after giving birth

Placenta accreta occurs the placenta grows into or even through the uterus and refuses to detach during birth.

October 23, 2023
Taylor McKey holding  baby on a pillow on her lap

After a few more scans over the next few weeks, doctors confirmed yes, it was likely enough Taylor would have an accreta that they wanted to plan for the possibility. The couple, their young son Will, and their dog all moved from their new home in Eagle down to Denver, staying in extended-stay hotels and Airbnbs so they could stay as close to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children as possible, preferably within a 20-minute drive time at ALL times in case they needed the specialized team there. 

Watch the CBS News Colorado story

Learn more about the Center for Maternal Fetal Care

October 23, 2023
Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at PSL